Sunday, March 1, 2009

Look at the hamhocks!

Here is my baby boy waiting to get in the bath. As you know boys love to be naked and mine is no exception! And yes his bottom is quite red. He was on an antibiotic from his ear infections and the medicine killed his tummy which in turned killed his fanny. Poor thing! But all is well now and we are finished with all of that, thank goodness.

These are just a few pictures with daddy. His faces are funny so I thought I would share.

These faces below are from us trying to get him to eat this yogurt to help with his tummy. As you can see it didn't go over well. My mom kept feeding it to him so Jason could get the picture right below. He would make that face and blow in and out of his nose real fast and it made us all laugh. This kid is hilarious and is a cutie!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! What a sweet little thing! I wonder where he gets those faces from....hmmm...let me think :)

Crystal said...

Those legs....ADORABLE!!!!

The Lane's said...

First of all, LOOK AT THAT BOOTY!!! Second, I LOVE THE FACES! He is such a cutie and I just want to pinch those cheeks (on his face of course). Miss you and love you.

Kim said...

lol that is too funny. You should enter that pucker face in a cutest baby contest!

Alex,Erica & Caleb said...

That is the cutest BOOTY and those faces are priceless!!Hope you all have been doing well.We need to catch up soon.Miss you and love ya!!