Friday, May 23, 2008

Dr's Update...

I went to the doctor this morning for my check up and all is still going the same. I have not dilated any and really no signs of him coming. My doctor is on call this weekend, so if he comes this weekend that will be great!! But if he does not, then I will go in Wednesday night between 5 and 6 and they will give me cervidil (sp?) and pitocin on thursday. Which thursday is the 29th, so that means Jennifer will be happy!! I'm not looking foward to the potossin, I've only heard bad things about it. So this weekend I will try to get in as much walking as I can stand and hopefully he will come on out. That's all I have for now...I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Chad said...

Good luck with everything. Maybe he will pop out soon. Try and do some crunches. See if that will help get him going. LOL j/k

Randal, Belinda and Caylee-Grace said...

Good luck. Go walk up a big hill. Hope he comes this weekend while your doctor is on call.

Granna said...

Walk and eat 3 Musketeer Bars- about 6 of them. That put me in labor with Josh who was only 20 days late at the time!

The Spencer Family said...

You could always pray for rain! The day I went into labor there was a really bad storm & everyone at the hospital told me that the labor & delivery floor was overflowing & everyone seemed to go into labor when storms come in. Apparently the barometric pressure that is associated with thunderstorms can cause labor to begin. As for the drugs as long as you have that epidural you will be just fine, get it when you can & rest now because you will need some energy for the big day. Good luck I will keep you in my prayers!

Kim said...

Good luck Brandi! Try everything to keep from the pitossin! And get your epi asap :)